MSL Educators, Therapists and Practitioners

The Institute for Multisensory Language Education (IMSLE) is a recognised training provider for the Australian Dyslexia Association (ADA).

Australian Recognition of MSL professional development: Upon successful completion of all components of the MSL Associate professional development course, applicants may apply for an accredited membership with the Australian Dyslexia Association. This membership is known as AMADA (Accredited Member of the ADA). The AMADA application process is open to other professionals who may have received equivalent MSL training from a recognised provider.

Continued requirements to maintain accredited membership with ADA: AMADA's have ongoing professional committments and responsibitlies in order to maintain their specialist accredited membership. These annual requirements ensures that all AMADA's remain highly and effectively trained in MSL language and literacy education.

For information on accredited memberships and ADA recognised training providers offering relevant professional development, please visit the ADA website: